The Bulgarian obour is a unique entity in the realm of vampiric folklore. Born from the sudden demise of a murdered individual, this creature’s reign of terror begins as an ethereal spirit, later evolving into a corporeal revenant. The initial days after the burial witness the spirit, resembling a corpse candle, wreaking havoc in the community. Its manifestations are diverse - from consuming milk and blood directly from cow udders, creating mischievous moving shadows, desecrating holy relics with fecal matter, to causing loud disturbances. However, the obour's existence isn’t eternal. For a span of 40 days, it can be bottled and destroyed by a specialist known as DJADADJII. This intricate process of bottling, as described by Montague Summers in "The Vampire: His Kith and Kin," involves a sorcerer wielding an icon, lying in wait for the vampire. Once sighted, the sorcerer chases the vampire, driving it away from shelter with the talisman until the creature seeks refu...