Blut Aussauger
One lesser-known yet intriguing vampire is the Blut Aussauger Vampire. Historical records and folklore trace the origins of the Blut Aussauger to central Europe, especially regions within present-day Germany and Austria. In fact, the term "Blut Aussauger" is German and translates to "blood sucker." This vampire is no aristocratic vampire often portrayed in modern vampire literature. Blut Aussaugers were creatures of nightmares. They were described as grotesque, hairy, almost ghoul-like beings. Like many popular vampires of myth and literature, their skin was pale and waxen. They had large, menacing eyes, were gaunt, and completely lacked a skeletal system, likely making it easier for them to squeeze into small spaces in preparation to attack. Blut Aussaugers began as ordinary humans who, after death, returned from the grave. There are multiple ways in which a human can become a Blut Aussauger. One can become one of these vampires by leading a sinful life, havi...